can mustangs be tamed?

Can Mustangs Be Tamed?

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The myth of the untamable wild horse is an enduring one – the wild mustang that lives only in its own version of freedom, undomesticated and wild. The question you may be wondering however is are mustangs truly wild or can mustangs be tamed?

Can a Mustang be Tamed?

Yes, mustangs can be tamed.

This is because mustangs, descended from stock brought to the Americas by colonists in the 17th century, are noted for their intelligence and hardiness, and many can be tamed with the right approach. Taming a mustang is possible – and the reward for your efforts is a new companion you and your horse can enjoy together. The process of taming involves slowly earning the animal’s trust and can take some time to accomplish. Once tamed, mustangs require careful care and management. In return, a tamed mustang can make a thoughtful and loyal companion, smart enough for both recreational and competitive use. With the right amount of time and devotion, a mustang is an extraordinary animal that can bring a unique joy and pleasure into the lives of its owners.

What is a Mustang?

Mustangs are feral horses that descended from stock brought to the Americas by colonists in the 17th century. They live in herds roaming free on public lands, where they are protected by law, administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Mustangs are noted for their intelligence and hardiness, and many can be tamed with the right approach.

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Can Mustangs be Tamed?

Determining If a Horse is a Mustang

Because of their fierce reputation and association with freedom and wilderness, many would-be horsemen and women have been tempted to make a mustang their own. But not all horses that appear wild actually are mustangs. Determine whether a horse is a mustang before even beginning the process of taming the animal.

The Process of Taming

Once you have earned the wary trust of a mustang, you can gradually proceed with taming. Good advice for anyone seeking to tame a wild mustang is to take it slow and to involve an experienced trainer or equine behavior specialist as soon as possible. Also, it’s important to remember that while difficult, taming a mustang is possible – and the reward for your efforts is a new companion you and your horse can enjoy together.

Managing a Mustang in a New Home

When you have successfully tamed a mustang, remember that your horse is not perfectly tame, and still requires careful care and management. Horses respond best to kindness and respect, and a tamed mustang is no exception. Consider the physical characteristics of the animal and the amount of time it takes to learn new skills when considering how best to manage a tamed mustang.

The Benefits of Taming a Mustang

The benefits of taming a mustang are unique. Mustangs, with their natural instincts honed by life in the wild, can make thoughtful and loyal companions. Simply, the horses are smart, and as such, when they are in the right hands, they can make excellent horses for both recreational and competitive use. Once the initial challenges of taming a mustang have been overcome, the bond between horse and human can be a strong one.

Final Thoughts

Mustangs are intelligent and hardy horses that, with time and patience, can and are tamed. Whether you are looking for a new friend or an inexpensive and tough athlete, mustangs offer a unique challenge that may just reward you with a unique and remarkable companion.

For more information on wild Mustangs follow this link.

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