White Horse Breeds

White Horse Breeds: Guide to Popular White Horse Breeds

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White horse breeds are a fascinating group of equines that have been selectively bred for their striking white coats. These breeds are not albino, but rather have a genetic mutation that causes their hair to grow white. They are often used in parades, shows, and other events due to their beauty and elegance.

There are many different white horse breeds, each with their own unique characteristics and history. Some of the most popular breeds include the Lipizzan, Camargue, and Shagya Arabian. These breeds have been bred for centuries for their white coats, and are known for their grace, athleticism, and intelligence. White horses have also played an important role in mythology and folklore, often symbolizing purity, strength, and freedom.

Understanding White Horse Genetics

White horses have always been fascinating to humans, and their unique appearance has led to many myths and legends throughout history. But what causes their distinctive white coat color? In this section, we will explore the genetic basis of white coats, the dominant white and dilution genes, and the role of pigmentation and skin color.

Genetic Basis of White Coats

The genetic basis of white coats in horses is complex and not fully understood. However, it is generally accepted that white horses have a genetic mutation that affects the production of pigment cells, called melanocytes. Melanocytes produce the pigment melanin, which gives color to the skin, hair, and eyes. In white horses, there is a lack of pigment cells in the skin and hair, resulting in a white coat.

Dominant White and Dilution Genes

There are two main types of white coat color in horses: dominant white and dilution genes. Dominant white is caused by a single gene mutation that inhibits the production of pigment cells, resulting in a completely white coat. Dilution genes, on the other hand, affect the intensity of the base coat color, resulting in a lighter or diluted version of the original color.

Pigmentation and Skin Color

The color of a horse’s skin is determined by the amount of pigment in the skin cells. In white horses, there is a lack of pigment in the skin cells, resulting in pink skin. This lack of pigment can make white horses more susceptible to sunburn and skin cancer. However, some white horses have dark eyes and skin around the eyes, which suggests that not all white horses lack pigment cells in all parts of their body.

DNA tests are available to determine if a horse carries the dominant white gene or dilution genes. These tests can be useful for breeders who want to produce white horses or avoid producing them.

In conclusion, the genetic basis of white coats in horses is complex and not fully understood. However, it is generally accepted that white horses have a genetic mutation that affects the production of pigment cells, resulting in a lack of pigment in the skin and hair. Dominant white and dilution genes also play a role in the color of a horse’s coat. DNA tests can be useful for breeders who want to produce white horses or avoid producing them.

Popular White Horse Breeds

White horses have always been a symbol of beauty, grace, and elegance. There are several popular white horse breeds, each with its unique characteristics and traits. In this section, we will discuss some of the most popular white horse breeds.

Camarillo White Horse

The Camarillo White Horse is a rare breed that originated in California. They are known for their beautiful, pure white coat and pink skin. They are a versatile breed, used for riding, driving, and as a show horse. They are also known for their gentle and friendly temperament, making them an excellent choice for families.


The Lipizzan is a breed of horse that originated in Austria. They are known for their white coat and are often used in classical dressage. They are a highly intelligent breed and are known for their ability to learn quickly. They are also known for their strength and stamina, making them an excellent choice for riding and driving.

American White Horse

The American White Horse is a breed that is known for its pure white coat and pink skin. They are a rare breed and are often used for riding and driving. They have a gentle and friendly temperament, making them an excellent choice for families. They are also known for their strength and stamina, making them an excellent choice for competitive events.

Cremello Horse

The Cremello Horse is a breed that is known for its cream-colored coat and blue eyes. They are often mistaken for white horses, but they are not a true white horse breed. They are a versatile breed and are used for riding, driving, and as a show horse. They are also known for their gentle and friendly temperament, making them an excellent choice for families.

In conclusion, these are some of the most popular white horse breeds. Each breed has its unique characteristics and traits, making them an excellent choice for different purposes. Whether you are looking for a riding horse or a show horse, there is a white horse breed for everyone.

Rare and Lesser-Known White Breeds

There are several white horse breeds that are rare and lesser-known. These breeds are not as popular as some of the more common white breeds, but they are still beautiful and unique in their own way.

Boulonnais Horse

The Boulonnais Horse is a rare breed that originated in France. They are known for their white coat, which is often mistaken for gray. They have a muscular build and are typically used for heavy farm work. The Boulonnais Horse is also used for riding and driving. They have a gentle and calm temperament, which makes them easy to handle.

Orlov Trotter

The Orlov Trotter is a rare breed that originated in Russia. They are known for their white coat, which is accompanied by a strong and muscular build. They are typically used for harness racing and have a strong work ethic. The Orlov Trotter is also known for their intelligence and ability to learn quickly.

Shagya Arabian

The Shagya Arabian is a rare breed that originated in Hungary. They are known for their white coat, which is accompanied by a refined and elegant build. They are typically used for endurance riding and have a calm and friendly temperament. The Shagya Arabian is also known for their intelligence and versatility.

Overall, these rare and lesser-known white breeds are just as beautiful and unique as their more common counterparts. They each have their own history and purpose, and are a testament to the diversity within the equine world.

Characteristics of White Horses

White horses are known for their stunning appearance and majestic demeanor. They are often associated with purity, grace, and elegance. In this section, we will explore the characteristics of white horses, including their temperament and physical features.


White horses are known to have a calm and gentle temperament. They are often used for therapeutic purposes, such as horse-assisted therapy, due to their calming presence. They are also known to be intelligent, loyal, and easy to train. However, it is important to note that temperament can vary depending on the breed and individual horse.

Physical Features

White horses are born with a white coat, which can be either pure white or a shade of cream. They have dark eyes and either unpigmented pink skin or pigmented skin. It is a common misconception that all white horses have pink skin, but this is not always the case. Some white horses have pigmented skin, which can be black, brown, or gray.

In addition to their coat and skin color, white horses have other physical features that set them apart from other horses. They often have a long, flowing mane and tail, which can be white or a different color. They also tend to have a refined, elegant appearance, with a slender build and graceful movements.

Overall, white horses are known for their beauty, grace, and gentle nature. They are a popular choice for both riding and therapeutic purposes, and their stunning appearance makes them a favorite among horse enthusiasts.

Health Considerations

White horses may be genetically white or albino, and they require special care to ensure they remain healthy. Here are some health considerations to keep in mind when caring for a white horse.

Lethal White Syndrome

Lethal White Syndrome (LWS) is a genetic condition that affects some white horses. It is caused by a mutation in the endothelin B receptor gene, which affects the horse’s ability to produce pigment cells. Foals born with LWS have a white coat, blue eyes, and a pink skin, but they lack the cells that produce the nerve plexuses in the gut. This means they are unable to pass feces and will die within a few days of birth if not euthanized.

To avoid LWS, it is important to breed horses responsibly and avoid breeding two horses with white coat colors. Breeders should also test their horses for the gene mutation that causes LWS before breeding them.

Sun Sensitivity

White horses are more sensitive to the sun than horses with darker coats. They are more likely to develop sunburn and skin cancer, especially on their faces, ears, and noses. To protect white horses from the sun, owners should provide them with shade, use fly masks and fly sheets, and apply sunscreen to their sensitive areas.

Owners should also be careful when turning out their white horses during the day, and consider turning them out at night when the sun is less intense. Additionally, white horses may require more frequent grooming to remove dirt and sweat that can attract insects and cause skin irritation.

Overall, caring for a white horse requires extra attention to their unique health needs. By taking the necessary precautions, owners can help their white horses stay healthy and happy.

White Horses in Culture and History

White horses have been a part of various cultures and mythologies throughout history. Their striking appearance has often been associated with nobility, purity, and grace. In this section, we will explore the cultural and historical significance of white horses.

Mythology and Symbolism

White horses have played a significant role in mythology and folklore. In Greek mythology, the winged horse Pegasus was said to be white. According to legend, Pegasus was born from the blood of the Gorgon Medusa after she was beheaded by the hero Perseus.

In Celtic mythology, the goddess Epona was often depicted riding a white horse. Epona was the goddess of horses, fertility, and agriculture, and her association with the white horse symbolized purity and strength.

White horses have also been associated with unicorns, which are mythical creatures that resemble horses with a single horn on their forehead. In medieval times, unicorns were often depicted as white horses with a golden horn, and they were believed to be pure and magical.

Historical Significance

Throughout history, white horses have been associated with royalty and nobility. In medieval times, white horses were often used by knights and royalty as a symbol of their power and status. Princesses were often depicted riding white horses in fairy tales and stories, further cementing the association between white horses and royalty.

White horses have also played a significant role in various cultures’ military history. For example, in the United States, the President’s ceremonial mounted unit, the United States Army Caisson Platoon, uses white horses for military funerals and other ceremonial occasions.

In conclusion, white horses have played a significant role in culture and history. From mythology and symbolism to their association with royalty and military history, white horses have captured the human imagination for centuries.

Care and Management


White horses require regular grooming to maintain their beautiful coat. The white coat is more prone to stains and discoloration than other colors, so it is important to keep it clean. A soft-bristled brush should be used to remove dirt and debris from the coat. A curry comb can also be used to remove any loose hair and dirt.

It is important to avoid using harsh chemicals on the coat, as this can damage the hair and skin. Instead, a gentle shampoo designed for horses can be used. After shampooing, the coat should be thoroughly rinsed to ensure all soap is removed.

White horses also require regular mane and tail care. The mane and tail should be brushed regularly to prevent tangles and knots. A detangler spray can be used to make brushing easier. It is important to avoid using scissors to trim the mane and tail, as this can cause uneven growth and damage the hair. Instead, a pulling comb can be used to thin out the hair and create a neat appearance.

Sheltering and Protection

White horses are more susceptible to sunburn than other colors, so it is important to provide them with adequate shelter and protection. A pasture with shade trees or a run-in shed can provide relief from the sun. Fly masks and sheets can also be used to protect the horse from insects and the sun.

In addition to sun protection, white horses require proper nutrition and hydration. Fresh, clean water should be available at all times. High-quality hay and grain should be provided to meet the horse’s nutritional needs. Regular veterinary care, including vaccinations and deworming, is also important to keep the horse healthy.

Overall, white horses require regular grooming, shelter, and protection to maintain their health and beautiful appearance. By following these guidelines, owners can ensure their white horse remains healthy and happy.

Breeding White Horses

Breeding for white coats has been a popular practice for centuries. The white horse breeds are often bred selectively to maintain their unique coat color. Some breeds like the Camarillo White Horse have been created specifically for their white coat.

Breeding for White Coats

Breeding for white coats is not a simple process. It requires careful selection of the parent horses to ensure that the offspring will have a white coat. The process involves selecting horses with a high probability of carrying the gene for white coat color. The breeding process can take several generations to achieve the desired result.

The Camarillo White Horse breed is a good example of a breed created specifically for its white coat. The breed was created by Adolfo Camarillo in 1921 by crossing a Spanish mustang named Sultan with Morgan mares. The breed is known for its pure white coat and pink skin.

Preservation of Rare White Breeds

Preservation of rare white breeds is important to maintain the genetic diversity of horses. The American Cream Draft and Boulonnais are two breeds that are rare and have a white coat. These breeds are not as popular as other white horse breeds, and their populations are declining.

To preserve these rare breeds, breeders must carefully select the parent horses to ensure that the offspring will have the desired traits. The breeding process can take several generations to achieve the desired result. Breeders must also work together to maintain the genetic diversity of the breed.

In conclusion, breeding for white coats requires careful selection of the parent horses and can take several generations to achieve the desired result. The Camarillo White Horse breed is an example of a breed created specifically for its white coat. Preservation of rare white breeds is important to maintain the genetic diversity of horses.

White Horses in Sports and Entertainment

White horses have been a popular choice for sports and entertainment for centuries. Their unique beauty and elegance make them stand out in various fields, including dressage, cinema, and media. In this section, we will explore some of the most notable uses of white horses in sports and entertainment.

Dressage and Performance

White horses have been a staple in the world of dressage and performance for many years. The Spanish Riding School, for example, is known for its famous white Lipizzaner horses. These horses have been selectively bred for their unique white coat and superior athleticism, making them ideal for dressage and other performance events.

Classical dressage, a form of dressage that emphasizes harmony between horse and rider, has also been known to feature white horses. In fact, many classical dressage performances feature horses of various colors, including white. These performances showcase the horse’s natural beauty and grace, as well as the rider’s skill and precision.

Cinema and Media

White horses have also been a popular choice for cinema and media. In movies and television shows, white horses are often used to symbolize purity, innocence, and nobility. For example, in the movie “The Lord of the Rings,” the character Gandalf rides a white horse named Shadowfax, symbolizing his wisdom and power.

White horses have also been featured in various music videos, commercials, and other forms of media. Their unique beauty and elegance make them stand out on screen, making them a popular choice for directors and producers.

In conclusion, white horses have played a significant role in sports and entertainment for many years. From dressage to cinema, these majestic creatures continue to captivate audiences with their natural beauty and grace.

White Horse Registries and Associations

There are many registries and associations dedicated to white horse breeds. These organizations serve as a valuable resource for breeders, owners, and enthusiasts who want to learn more about these unique animals.

One of the most well-known white horse registries is the American White and American Creme Horse Registry (AWAHR). Founded in 1936, this organization registers horses that are white or cream-colored with pink skin and blue or brown eyes. The AWAHR also maintains a studbook to ensure the purity of the breed.

Another important registry is the Camarillo White Horse Association (CWHA). This organization is dedicated to preserving the Camarillo White Horse, a rare breed that was developed in California in the early 20th century. These horses are known for their striking white coats and gentle temperament.

The Lipizzan Association of North America (LANA) is another important organization for white horse enthusiasts. This association is dedicated to preserving the Lipizzan breed, which is known for its intelligence, athleticism, and striking white coat. The LANA maintains a studbook and offers a variety of programs and services for breeders and owners.

In addition to these organizations, there are many breed associations that recognize white horses as a distinct breed or color variation. For example, the American Paint Horse Association (APHA) recognizes horses with distinctive white markings as a separate breed. The Akhal-Teke Registry of America (ATRA) recognizes the Akhal-Teke breed, which is known for its metallic sheen and distinctive white coat.

Overall, these registries and associations play an important role in preserving and promoting white horse breeds. They provide valuable resources for breeders, owners, and enthusiasts, and help ensure the continued success of these unique animals.


In conclusion, white horse breeds are some of the most stunning and magnificent creatures in the equine world. From the Lipizzan to the Camargue, these horses have captured the hearts and imaginations of people around the world.

While some may believe that white horses are a separate breed, it is important to note that there is no inherent white horse breed. Instead, many breeds have predominantly white or light-colored coats due to selective breeding over centuries.

It is also important to note that white horses are not always completely white. They can have markings or spots of other colors, such as gray or black. Additionally, true white horses are rare and are born with pink skin and white hair due to a lack of pigmentation.

Overall, white horse breeds are not only beautiful but also have a rich history and unique characteristics. Whether used for riding, driving, or simply admired for their beauty, these horses continue to captivate and inspire people around the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the characteristics of large white horse breeds?

Large white horse breeds like the Percheron, American Cream Draft, and Boulonnais are known for their strength, power, and majestic appearance. These breeds typically stand between 15 and 18 hands high and weigh between 1,500 and 2,000 pounds. They have strong, muscular bodies, and their white coats are often accented with black or gray markings. These breeds are often used for heavy work, such as pulling carts or plows, and are also popular for riding and showing.

How do I find white horse breeds for sale?

One way to find white horse breeds for sale is to search online classifieds or horse sale websites. Another option is to attend horse shows or auctions, where breeders and sellers often showcase their horses. It is important to research the seller and the horse thoroughly before making a purchase, and to have a veterinarian examine the horse to ensure it is healthy and free from any medical issues.

What factors contribute to the cost of white horse breeds?

The cost of white horse breeds can vary depending on several factors, including breed, age, training, and pedigree. Rare breeds or horses with exceptional bloodlines can be more expensive than common breeds or horses with unknown pedigrees. The level of training and experience of the horse can also affect its price. On average, white horse prices range from $5,000 to $10,000, but prices can be much higher for top-quality horses.

Which white horse breeds are considered the rarest?

Some of the rarest white horse breeds include the Camarillo White Horse, the Albino Thoroughbred, and the American White Horse. These breeds are known for their unique appearance and often have interesting histories and bloodlines. However, because of their rarity, they can be difficult to find and can be quite expensive.

What are some of the best white horse breeds for various purposes?

There are many white horse breeds that excel in various disciplines. For example, the Lipizzan is a popular breed for dressage, while the American Cream Draft is often used for pulling carriages. The Camargue is a versatile breed that is used for riding, driving, and working cattle. The Shagya Arabian is known for its endurance and is often used for long-distance riding. When choosing a white horse breed, it is important to consider the horse’s temperament, abilities, and intended use.

How can I distinguish a true white horse from other light-colored breeds?

True white horses are born with white coats and pink skin, while other light-colored breeds, such as the Palomino or the Cremello, have colored coats and dark skin. White horses can have blue, brown, or hazel eyes, and their coats can range from pure white to gray or cream. It is important to note that some white horses may have small amounts of colored markings, such as a black or gray tail or mane.

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